The Introduction

So…I’m Salome Yilsoem Datong and I’m Nigerian (African). As a woman, I shall not disclose my age until I consider it proper to do so. :). Well I know a lot of you who’ll be reading this already know my age but oh well, what can I say? My age is for me to know and the rest of you to find out. 😉
I’m the last child of four kids and…I love to eat? I’m wondering why I’m giving all this unnecessary information about me but this is meant to be an introduction so I’ll go on anyway.
Alright I’ll say more meaningful stuff. I’m the kind of woman who will rather talk to you in person than text you. I’ll rather go for a walk than stay in bed and watch Netflix. I’ll rahter…watch some guy paint a beautiful scenery than go see a movie.
Okay. Are you slowly starting to understand my personality now?
I’ll say a little more, because I’m gonna be writing a lot about a lot of stuff and I’ll want you to understand my opinions based on the kind of person I am. I really wouldn’t want you to blindly read through my “yilsoemnotes”.
Of course, I can’t say everything about me now but with time, the true me will be crystal clear and shining bright like a diamond :).
Yes. Moving on. I like to sing and draw. I wanna move on to the next level and start painting as well. Call me crazy but I adore classical music. Call me crazy again but I really enjoy negro-spirituals. I stumbled upon this beautiful finding one day: most negro spirituals are built on the five black notes of a piano. How amazing! The slaves back then didn’t even know what they were doing. They really just needed to sing!
Boy!!!! I can digress!!!
So…yes, I’m just really a music person; rap and hip hop and soul music and all of that. I enjoy all of those.
I dance and I’m generally more of a creative person, I believe.
I like to be straightforward, and I dislike situations in which I find myself restraining from being straightforward and real.
I guess that’s about enough of me so I’ll just move on to why I started this website or blog?
I like to write. I’ve been writing poems since I was in High School and I have so many unfinished stories so maybe blogging is really what I should have done from the start. Also, I’ve recently discovered some level of growth in me lately. My opinions about so many things have changed and I’ll like to share those opinions with more people than the ones I speak to.
I am gonna be opinionated in my writing but I definitely will not be offensive, or I’ll try not to be. You never know what will offend people these days.
So…yeah. That’s it!
I hope my intro wasn’t too long (//_\\).
Okay bye. #Peace.


  1. Ian_Nwa (@Ianizan1) · July 13, 2015

    Wait I thought your middle name was Nannylsim(idk if I spelt it right.).


    • yilsoem · July 14, 2015

      The naan just sorta adds meanin to the name. lol. But my actual name is yilsoem.


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